The Hidden Room

Arcana Antiques  Oditties  {A} Insect Specimen - Butterfly_001

Arcana Antiques & Oditties  {A} Insect Specimen - Butterfly_002

Arcana Antiques & Oditties  {A} Insect Specimen - Butterfly_005

I always find it really cool to find hidden rooms or spaces, filled with interesting things, such as the space you see here! As you look closely, this hidden room is rather inviting looking with personal items belonging to the owner. The creations from Arcana Antiques & Oddities gives life to this space making it less gloomy and actually a place where you would want to explore. Let’s see what’s here together!

In the far corner, I spy a large Curio Bookcase that houses Insect Specimens, Butterflies! This is a great collection of Butterflies of all kinds and varied colors! That means our owner is interesting in the study of insects. In front of that on the tables and podium, I see our hidden room owner has a really niffy looking Vintage Lunch Box-Stamp Collection Red, they are into antiques, smiling, a Human Specimen of a Heart in a jar, no less! a Animal Specimen of a Crow Skull, under glass, a Antique World Globe II, several books piles of books, and books behind the small landing, and throughout the room, which indicates that they are a voracious reader! The books have such illustrious classic group titles as Stevenson Collection, Novels Collection, Vampire Collection, Medicine Collection, Modern History, Spanish Collection, Horror Collection, Encyclopaedia Britannica, and The Lord of the Rings, they are well read indeed!

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The hidden room owner likes a bit of nostalgia, I note, as there on the landing is a Victorian Music Box, which allows you to select radio stations via a menu! As I hurriedly look around the room, as you do not want to be caught snooping in someone’s hidden room, I see a collection of art upon the stone wall. A Memento Mori Collection of A Dying Man, A Skeleton, A Soul In Purgatory, The Blessed Man, and The Damned. Quite a collection of pictures…shivering! With a loud shriek, next to that, I see a jar of a Human Specimen of a Brain and a Animal Specimen of a Giant Bat! As I look towards the stairs, I see another Antique World Globe III, and a Small Curio Bookcase, with more books. Below that I see a shelf of drugs…I mean herbs! There are Herb Bottles of Basil/Albahaca, Lotus/Loto, Patchouli/Pachuli, and
Mandrake/Mandragora….ooh I know what mandrake is used for, winking!

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Overall with the items in this room, our hidden room owner, is one very interesting person! Now it is time for me to leave as I haven’t been caught!

All these very creative, innovative  and awesomely cool items mentioned here can be found at Arcana Antiques & Oddities.

The Items listed below are designed by Arcana Antiques & Oddities’ Morgana Brid


{A} Insect Specimen – Butterfly Fat Pack
{A} Human Specimen – Heart
{A} Animal Specimen – Crow Skull
{A} Antique World Globe II
{A} Classic Books – Stevenson Collection
{A} Classic Books – Novels Collection
{A} Classic Books – Vampire Collection
{A} Classic Books – Medicine Collection
{A} Classic Books – Modern History
{A} Classic Books – Spanish Collection
{A} Classic Books – Horror Collection
{A} Classic Books – Encyclopaedia Britannica
{A} Classic Books – The Lord of the Rings
{A} Victorian Music Box
{A} Memento Mori Collection – A Dying Man
{A} Memento Mori Collection – A Skeleton
{A} Memento Mori Collection – A Soul In Purgatory
{A} Memento Mori Collection – The Blessed Man
{A} Memento Mori Collection – The Damned
{A} Human Specimen – Brain
{A} Animal Specimen – Giant Bat
{A} Antique World Globe III
{A} Herb Bottle – Basil/Albahaca
{A} Herb Bottle – Lotus/Loto
{A} Herb Bottle – Patchouli/Pachuli
{A} Herb Bottle – Mandrake/Mandragora

2 responses

  1. DJ Frenzy

    Reblogged this on frenzy23oxo and commented:
    Very entertaining post.. Wish I found that room!

    January 24, 2014 at 3:33 pm

  2. Pingback: The Hidden Room | THE FALLEN PATH | Arcana Antiques & Oddities

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